Source code for qwikidata.entity

# Copyright 2019 Kensho Technologies, LLC.
"""Module for Wikidata Entities."""

from typing import Dict, List, Union

from qwikidata import typedefs
from qwikidata.claim import WikidataClaimGroup

[docs]class EntityMixin: """Mixin for all entities. .. seealso:: * :py:class:`WikidataItem` * :py:class:`WikidataProperty` * :py:class:`WikidataLexeme` """ @staticmethod def _validate_entity_dict(entity_dict: typedefs.EntityDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if entity_dict is not valid.""" _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["id", "type"] if not isinstance(entity_dict, dict): raise TypeError( "entity_dict must be a dictionary but got {}.".format(type(entity_dict)) ) for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in entity_dict: raise ValueError( "required entity_dict keys are {} but only found {}.".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(entity_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs]class LabelDescriptionAliasMixin: """Mixin for entities with labels, descriptions, and aliases. .. seealso:: * :py:class:`WikidataItem` * :py:class:`WikidataProperty` """ _entity_dict = None # type: typedefs.EntityDict @staticmethod def _validate_label_desc_alias_dict( label_desc_alias_dict: Union[typedefs.ItemDict, typedefs.PropertyDict] ) -> None: """Raise excpetions if label_desc_alias_dict is not valid.""" _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["labels", "descriptions", "aliases"] for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in label_desc_alias_dict: raise ValueError( "required label_desc_alias_dict keys are {} but only found {}.".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(label_desc_alias_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs] def get_label(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> str: """Get label (primary name for this entity) in a specific language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find the label in this language. """ if isinstance(self._entity_dict["labels"], dict) and lang in self._entity_dict["labels"]: return self._entity_dict["labels"][lang]["value"] else: return ""
[docs] def get_description(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> str: """Get a brief description of this entity in a specific language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find the description in this language. """ if ( isinstance(self._entity_dict["descriptions"], dict) and lang in self._entity_dict["descriptions"] ): return self._entity_dict["descriptions"][lang]["value"] else: return ""
[docs] def get_aliases(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> List[str]: """Get alternative names for this entity in a specific language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find aliases in this language. """ if isinstance(self._entity_dict["aliases"], dict) and lang in self._entity_dict["aliases"]: return [el["value"] for el in self._entity_dict["aliases"][lang]] else: return []
[docs]class ClaimsMixin: """Mixin for entities with top level claims (aka statements). See: .. seealso:: * :py:class:`WikidataItem` * :py:class:`WikidataProperty` * :py:class:`WikidataLexeme` * :py:class:`WikidataForm` * :py:class:`WikidataSense` """ _entity_dict = None # type: typedefs.EntityDict @staticmethod def _validate_claim_dict(claim_dict: typedefs.EntityDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if claim_dict is not valid.""" _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["claims"] for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in claim_dict: raise ValueError( "required claim_dict keys are {}. but only found {}".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(claim_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs] def get_claim_groups(self) -> Dict[typedefs.PropertyId, WikidataClaimGroup]: """Get all claim groups about this entity.""" if isinstance(self._entity_dict["claims"], dict): claims = { property_id: WikidataClaimGroup(claim_list) for property_id, claim_list in self._entity_dict["claims"].items() } return claims else: return {}
[docs] def get_claim_group(self, property_id: typedefs.PropertyId) -> WikidataClaimGroup: """Get the claim group corresponding to a given property id. Parameters ---------- property_id the string representing the property ID of the claim group to return """ if not isinstance(self._entity_dict["claims"], dict): return WikidataClaimGroup([]) claim_list = self._entity_dict["claims"].get(property_id, None) if claim_list is None: return WikidataClaimGroup([]) else: return WikidataClaimGroup(claim_list)
[docs] def get_truthy_claim_groups(self) -> Dict[typedefs.PropertyId, WikidataClaimGroup]: """Get all truthy claim groups about this entity. Truthy is defined in the Wikidata RDF dump format docs, "Truthy statements represent statements that have the best non-deprecated rank for a given property. Namely, if there is a preferred statement for a property P, then only preferred statements for P will be considered truthy. Otherwise, all normal-rank statements for P are considered truthy." -- `RDF dump format docs on truthy statements`_ .. _RDF dump format docs on truthy statements: """ if isinstance(self._entity_dict["claims"], dict): claims = {} property_ids = self._entity_dict["claims"].keys() for property_id in property_ids: claims[property_id] = self.get_truthy_claim_group(property_id) return claims else: return {}
[docs] def get_truthy_claim_group(self, property_id: typedefs.PropertyId) -> WikidataClaimGroup: """Get truthy claims from the claim group corresponding to a given property id. Truthy is defined in the Wikidata RDF dump format docs, "Truthy statements represent statements that have the best non-deprecated rank for a given property. Namely, if there is a preferred statement for a property P, then only preferred statements for P will be considered truthy. Otherwise, all normal-rank statements for P are considered truthy." -- `RDF dump format docs on truthy statements`_ Parameters ---------- property_id the string representing the property ID of the claim group to return .. _RDF dump format docs on truthy statements: """ claim_group = self.get_claim_group(property_id) truthy_claim_dicts = [ claim._claim_dict for claim in claim_group if claim.rank.lower() == "preferred" ] if len(truthy_claim_dicts) == 0: truthy_claim_dicts = [ claim._claim_dict for claim in claim_group if claim.rank.lower() != "deprecated" ] return WikidataClaimGroup(truthy_claim_dicts)
[docs]class WikidataItem(LabelDescriptionAliasMixin, ClaimsMixin, EntityMixin): """Class for Wikidata Items. Parameters ---------- item_dict A dictionary representation of a Wikidata Item. See `the wikibase JSON data model docs`_ for a description of the dictionary format. .. seealso:: Wikidata docs on items, * Ways to generate item dictionaries within qwikidata. * :py:class:`qwikidata.json_dump.WikidataJsonDump` * :py:func:`qwikidata.linked_data_interface.get_entity_dict_from_api` .. _the wikibase JSON data model docs: """ def __init__(self, item_dict: typedefs.ItemDict) -> None: self._validate_item_dict(item_dict) self._entity_dict = item_dict self.entity_id = item_dict["id"] self.entity_type = item_dict["type"] def _validate_item_dict(self, item_dict: typedefs.ItemDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if item_dict is not valid.""" self._validate_entity_dict(item_dict) if item_dict["type"] != "item": raise ValueError( "item_dict['type'] must be 'item' but found '{}'".format(item_dict["type"]) ) self._validate_label_desc_alias_dict(item_dict) self._validate_claim_dict(item_dict)
[docs] def get_enwiki_title(self) -> str: """Get english language wikipedia page title.""" if ( isinstance(self._entity_dict["sitelinks"], dict) and "enwiki" in self._entity_dict["sitelinks"] ): return self._entity_dict["sitelinks"]["enwiki"]["title"] else: return ""
def __str__(self) -> str: return "WikidataItem(label={}, id={}, description={}, aliases={}, enwiki_title={})".format( self.get_label(), self.entity_id, self.get_description(), self.get_aliases(), self.get_enwiki_title(), ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs]class WikidataProperty(LabelDescriptionAliasMixin, ClaimsMixin, EntityMixin): """Class for Wikidata Properties. Parameters ---------- property_dict A dictionary representation of a Wikidata Property. See `the wikibase JSON data model docs`_ for a description of the dictionary format. .. seealso:: Wikidata docs on properties, * Ways to generate property dictionaries within kwikimedia. * :py:class:`qwikidata.json_dump.WikidataJsonDump` * :py:func:`qwikidata.linked_data_interface.get_entity_dict_from_api` .. _the wikibase JSON data model docs: """ def __init__(self, property_dict: typedefs.PropertyDict) -> None: self._validate_property_dict(property_dict) self._entity_dict = property_dict self.entity_id = property_dict["id"] self.entity_type = property_dict["type"] def _validate_property_dict(self, property_dict: typedefs.PropertyDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if property_dict is not valid.""" self._validate_entity_dict(property_dict) if property_dict["type"] != "property": raise ValueError( "property_dict['type'] must be 'property' but found '{}'".format( property_dict["type"] ) ) self._validate_label_desc_alias_dict(property_dict) self._validate_claim_dict(property_dict) def __str__(self) -> str: return "WikidataProperty(label={}, id={}, description={}, aliases={})".format( self.get_label(), self.entity_id, self.get_description(), self.get_aliases() ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs]class WikidataForm(ClaimsMixin): """A form associated with a Wikidata Lexeme. See: This class can be initialized from a lexeme dictionary as, .. code-block:: python >>> form_dict = l3354_dict['forms'][0] >>> wikidata_form = WikidataForm(form_dict) Parameters ---------- form_dict A dictionary representing a Wikidata Lexeme form. Attributes ---------- form_id: str Unique id for this form (e.g. 'L3354-F1') grammatical_features: list List of item ids representing grammatical categories (e.g. present tense, first person, ...) """ def __init__(self, form_dict: typedefs.FormDict) -> None: self._validate_form_dict(form_dict) self._form_dict = form_dict self.form_id = form_dict["id"] self.grammatical_features = form_dict["grammaticalFeatures"] def _validate_form_dict(self, form_dict: typedefs.FormDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if form_dict is not valid.""" _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["id", "representations", "grammaticalFeatures", "claims"] for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in form_dict: raise ValueError( "required form_dict keys are {} but only found {}".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(form_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs] def get_representation(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> str: """Get representation of this form in a given language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find the representation in this language. """ if ( isinstance(self._form_dict["representations"], dict) and lang in self._form_dict["representations"] ): return self._form_dict["representations"][lang]["value"] else: return ""
def __str__(self) -> str: return "WikidataForm(form_id={}, representation={}, grammatical_features={})".format( self.form_id, self.get_representation(), self.grammatical_features ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs]class WikidataSense(ClaimsMixin): """A sense associated with a Wikidata Lexeme. See: This class can be initialized from a lexeme dictionary as, .. code-block:: python >>> sense_dict = l3354_dict['senses'][0] >>> wikidata_sense = WikidataSense(sense_dict) Parameters ---------- sense_dict A dictionary representing a Wikidata Lexeme sense. Attributes ---------- sense_id: str Unique id for this sense (e.g. 'L3354-S1') """ def __init__(self, sense_dict: typedefs.SenseDict) -> None: self._validate_sense_dict(sense_dict) self._sense_dict = sense_dict self.sense_id = sense_dict["id"] def _validate_sense_dict(self, sense_dict: typedefs.SenseDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if sense_dict is not valid.""" _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["id", "glosses", "claims"] for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in sense_dict: raise ValueError( "required sense_dict keys are {} but only found {}".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(sense_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs] def get_gloss(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> str: """Get gloss of this sense in a given language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find the gloss in this language. """ if isinstance(self._sense_dict["glosses"], dict) and lang in self._sense_dict["glosses"]: return self._sense_dict["glosses"][lang]["value"] else: return ""
def __str__(self) -> str: return "WikidataSense(sense_id={}, gloss={})".format(self.sense_id, self.get_gloss()) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
[docs]class WikidataLexeme(ClaimsMixin, EntityMixin): """Class for Wikidata Lexeme. Parameters ---------- lexeme_dict A dictionary representation of a Wikidata Lexeme. See `the wikibase Lexeme JSON data model docs`_ for a description of the dictionary format. .. seealso:: Wikidata docs on lexemes, * Ways to generate lexeme dictionaries within qwikidata. * :py:class:`qwikidata.json_dump.WikidataJsonDump` * :py:func:`qwikidata.linked_data_interface.get_entity_dict_from_api` .. _the wikibase Lexeme JSON data model docs: """ def __init__(self, lexeme_dict: typedefs.LexemeDict) -> None: self._validate_lexeme_dict(lexeme_dict) self._entity_dict = lexeme_dict # type: typedefs.LexemeDict self.entity_id = lexeme_dict["id"] self.entity_type = lexeme_dict["type"] self.language = lexeme_dict["language"] self.lexical_category = lexeme_dict["lexicalCategory"] def _validate_lexeme_dict(self, lexeme_dict: typedefs.LexemeDict) -> None: """Raise excpetions if lexeme_dict is not valid.""" self._validate_entity_dict(lexeme_dict) if lexeme_dict["type"] != "lexeme": raise ValueError( "lexeme_dict['type'] must be 'lexeme' but found '{}'".format(lexeme_dict["type"]) ) self._validate_claim_dict(lexeme_dict) _REQUIRED_KEYS = ["lemmas", "lexicalCategory", "language", "forms", "senses"] for req_key in _REQUIRED_KEYS: if req_key not in lexeme_dict: raise ValueError( "required lexeme_dict keys are {} but only found {}".format( _REQUIRED_KEYS, list(lexeme_dict.keys()) ) )
[docs] def get_lemma(self, lang: typedefs.LanguageCode = typedefs.LanguageCode("en")) -> str: """Get lemma (primary name for this lexeme) in a specific language. See: Parameters ---------- lang Find the lemma in this language. """ if isinstance(self._entity_dict["lemmas"], dict) and lang in self._entity_dict["lemmas"]: return self._entity_dict["lemmas"][lang]["value"] else: return ""
[docs] def get_forms(self) -> List[WikidataForm]: """Get the set of forms assocaited with this Lexeme.""" return [WikidataForm(form_dict) for form_dict in self._entity_dict["forms"]]
[docs] def get_senses(self) -> List[WikidataSense]: """Get the set of senses assocaited with this Lexeme.""" return [WikidataSense(sense_dict) for sense_dict in self._entity_dict["senses"]]
def __str__(self) -> str: return "WikidataLexeme(lemma={}, id={}, language={}, lexical_category={}, forms={}, senses={})".format( self.get_lemma(), self.entity_id, self.language, self.lexical_category, self.get_forms(), self.get_senses(), ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()
WikidataEntity = Union[WikidataItem, WikidataProperty, WikidataLexeme]